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Swiss experience to help Ukrainian society

Dnipropetrovsk National University hosted the delegation of Swiss Embassy in Ukraine. During the visit there has taken place a meeting of Ambassador Extraordinary of Respected Swiss Confederation in Ukraine Mr. Christian Schoenenberger and his deputy and Political Counselor Mr. Christoph Schpeti with the rector and students of DNU.

In particular, during the personal conversation, rector of DNU Mykola Polyakov showed foreign visitorsthe structure and specificity of classical Dnepropetrovsk University, presented the latest educational and scientific achievements of DNU and detailed about the extensive experience in international cooperation. "We have many good examples of academic and scientific cooperation with many foreign colleagues - said Polyakov. - Today the DNU has 80 existing cooperation agreements with foreign partners. As for Switzerland, our cooperation with the Swiss scientific and educational institutions started in 2001 and continues today in the form of participation of DNU in various conferences and symposia, scientific trainings and hosting delegations from universities in Switzerland. For example, only for the last five years DNU was visited by seven delegations from Switzerland for training and implementation of research projects in Switzerland, in general there were sent 10 employees of DNU, and one graduate attends the University of Zurich University now. As you can see, in recent years we have laid a good foundation for bilateral cooperation in expanding what we are interested in today. I hope that in the nearest future, our fruitful cooperation will have a new impetus, and together we will be able to contribute to the common European educational space ", - said the rector.

Deans of the Faculties of International Economics, Ukrainian and Foreign Languages and Arts and Faculty of History also discussed the success of their subdivisions in international relations sphere with Mr. Ambassador and. Outlining the key achievements of a similar experience of cooperation with other international partners (made possible, in particular, with assistance of the Embassies of foreign countries), deans expressed concrete proposals to their Swiss colleagues on the most promising areas and forms of educational and scientific cooperation between our countries. As explained Mr. Ambassador, this cooperation between scientists from the two countries is quite possible, even with the specifics of the Swiss educational system. "The Swiss education system is quite decentralized: we have great autonomy at the cantonal level, respectively universities have a high degree of independence. Therefore, Ukrainian experts seek better scientific contacts at an academic level - on the basis of mutual interest between specific professors and teachers. Of course, at the national level, our country could support Ukrainian scholars with specific scholarships, but for this type of cooperation we have special professorial funds, conducting scientific work at their own expense, "- said Mr. Schoenenberger.

At the end of the meeting in Dnipropetrovsk National University respected representatives of the Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine received a gift of valuable publications of DNU, and in return presented to the Rector Polyakov an invitation to Professor of Higher School of Music (Geneva) and the Graduate School of Arts (Berne) Denis Severin, to be held in the Days of France, Germany and Switzerland in Dnipropetrovsk.

During the conversation with students of faculties of social sciences and international relations, international economics, mass media, and Ukrainian Foreign Languages and Art, History and Law faculties, honorable Ambassador of Switzerland Ukraine Christian Schonenberher started from the general review of hiscountry, where he spoke about the peculiarities of its political, economic and social order.

Describing the specific political system of Switzerland, Mr. Schoenenberger noted that federalism in his country plays a positive role and is seen as a stabilizing factor. "The main concept in the development of our country is unity in diversity. Despite the fact that cities and cantons have a high level of autonomy in our society there exists an energy of solidarity. People just want to live together in one state and constantly think about the question of how to build a nation of such diversity,"- said the Ambassador.

Actually, the features of the Swiss educational system at the meeting was paid much attention. Dnipropetrovsk National University students were actively interested in privileges of study in the Swiss scholarship and grant programs, multicultural academic exchange and employment opportunities. They also discussed the principles of social protection, banking and tax systems, and other important aspects that allowed the Swiss Confederation to become one of the richest countries in the world. In particular, talking about recipes of economic growth, which could be useful for European integration of Ukraine, the Ambassador said: "The reason for our success lies in the political system. Switzerland has no significant natural resources, therefore, for long time has been a poor country. Today, our economy is quite competitive because we began to invest a lot in education and research, which successfully attracted domestic and foreign investment."

In turn, Ambassador Extraordinary of Swiss Confederation was interested in Dnepropetrovsk youth and their attitude to the events in eastern Ukraine, participation in volunteer initiatives, the degree of integration of immigrants and others. By the way, Christian Schoenenberger told that the Swiss experience volunteer work must be indicated in the summary that provides significant advantages in employment. "The ability and desire to do something more than you need usually - it's a good sign of a modern young generation" - he said.

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