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Space tendencies of the XXI century

A unique opportunity to discuss the latest innovative developments of rocket and space technologies and problems of use of outer space for the benefit of mankind was presented at the Fifth International Conference "Space Technologies: Present and Future", which has taken place on May, 19-21, at the Palace of students of Dnipropetrovsk National University.

Presidents of Conference

Among the pressing issues, discussed by scientists from Ukraine, USA, Great Britain, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries - there were creating anti-asteroyid protection of the Earth and disposal of radioactive waste in space; earthquake prediction; current trends in the global launch services market; land systems and starting equipment; space missions and technologies related to the gathering of information about the Earth and its environment; current and future navigation systems; technical solutions used to create modern liquid, solid, hybrid and electric rocket engine plants; nanotechnology in aerospace engineering; space exploration and international cooperation; methodologies and perspectives of space education of youth; innovative technologies and inventions.

Traditional event organizers: State Enterprise "Design Office "Yuzhnoye", State Space Agency of Ukraine, Ukrainian branch of the International Academy of Astronautics, Dnipropetrovsk National University.

Eminent Ukrainian astronomer Klim Churyumov

"It is great to note that for the fifth time as the venue for this prestigious international forum we selected university Palace of students, because physical-technical faculty of DNU over 60 years has a strong link in the system of training, development and production of rocket and space technology - said rector - member of National Academy of Sciences Mykola Polyakov. - Dnipropetrovsk is not only powerful world center for the production of space-rocket systems and devices, but also a real cradle of scientific and technical personnel. In our city in seven higher education institutions and a number of modern colleges we train specialists in many technical areas. This conference is a unique opportunity for them to learn about current research directions in the field of space technology and exploration of the universe".

During this scientific forum there were the following sections: current and future space-rocket systems, launch vehicles, their components and systems; current and future space satellite systems; advanced rocket engines and power plants; materials and technologies; space for humanity.

Deputy General Designer of Design Office "Yuzhnoe" Alexander Makarov, head of the section "Current and future space satellite systems" said that his section presented 40 reports from 5 countries dedicated to creation software for satellites, their operation and research. Design Office "Yuzhnoe" has been engaged in satellite remote sensing and scientific programs. Representatives of DNU will also report on this. Now the program is executed to determine the prediction of earthquakes. Research focused on the creation and development of applied satellites and technologies - new sensors, new devices, new systems. These areas are covered by conference. We hope that we will reach a new level."

Delegates try on a space suit astronaut space station "Mir"
Prominent Ukrainian astronomer, member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Klim Churyumov showed (reduced to 40 000 times) opened by him and Svetlana Gerasimenko in Alma-Ata Observatory in 1969 short-period comet with an orbital period of 6.6 years. The scientist told the story of the discovery of comets and unique research. In 2004, the European Space Agency launched the spacecraft "Rosetta" comet to study Churyumov-Gerasimenko. "We were very happy that we chose a comet because, as said one skeptic, comets in the solar system are like fish in the ocean. - In 2004, the Earth passed through the orbit plane, so we decided to launch a spacecraft to the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko to catch it near Jupiter. Everything was very well calculated to the smallest detail: tiny mistake for several kilometers could cause failure of the entire project. But that was our triumph. For the first time in history spacecraft sat on the comet, determined in detail its topography, the structure of the comet made a series of discoveries and unique photos."

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