DNU offered scientific symposium in the modern format
Dnipropetrovsk National University launched the I International Youth Forum on Applied Physics (YSF-2015). For four days young professionals from ten countries will exchange the latest scientific findings and seek common ideas of the world of physical science.
The event is organized under the auspices of leading foreign and Ukrainian scientific organizations - European Physical Society, Optical Society of America, Institute of Radio Electronics, Academy of Sciences, Institute of Theoretical Physics, young scientists department of physics and astronomy and others.
The first International Youth Forum in Dnipropetrovsk is the follower of the traditions of its predecessors - Conference of Young Scientists, which for 14 years was held in Kharkiv and Conference "Problems of Theoretical Physics", which took place in Kyiv. According to organizers, similar format at Dnipropetrovsk forum allows to combine different approaches to achieve higher results.

In particular, representative meeting of Ukrainian and foreign experts in the city on the Dnieper River is a powerful platform for effective exchange of experience and joint scientific research in various fields of physical science. It was attended by 172 representatives from ten countries: Ukraine (20 cities), Poland (Krakow, Wroclaw), Azerbaijan (Baku), Russia (Ulyanovsk), France (Montpellier), India (Kanpur), Brazil (Campinas), Iran (Zanjan), South Korea (Seoul) and United States (Seattle).

In the times of significant internationalization of science related with European integration and open possibilities (in terms of Ukraine signed an Association Agreement with the EU Programme for Research and Innovation "Horizon 2020") for such international event is extremely revealing, says Maxim Strikha. "Science has no borders, although it, of course, affects the political circumstances. However, it is important that even in such circumstances, Ukrainian scientists discover new horizons. Because the participation in a similar forum promotes active establishment of contacts and the emergence of favorable international projects, offers scientists the possibility of using our technical equipment or training foreign colleagues, "- said at the opening ceremony, Deputy Minister of Education and Science.
In fact, Dnipropetrovsk scientific symposium included numerous plenary and breakout sessions, seminars, workshops, round tables, as well as virtual skype-sessions for foreign participants. The program of the event: "Optics and Photonics", "Computer and experimental radiophysics", "Solid State Radiophysics", "Microwave and terahertz electronics", "Physics of nucleus and plasma" "Biophysics", "Geophysics and remote sensing", "Radio astronomy and astrophysics", "Magnetism and magnetic materials", "Nano- and metamaterials", "Physical material and non-destructive testing", "Energy Conversion and Management System". Overall, during the four days of the forum there were presented more than 180 scientific papers.

It is notable that the decision of the organizers to hold a meeting on the hospitable territory of Dnipropetrovsk National University was not accidental. "Back in the 30's of preious century in the Dnipropetrovsk National University there was a branch of the Leningrad Physical-Technical Institute. At that time one of the founders of physical-technical faculty of DNU, Academician Georgi Kurdyumov and other leading scientists - founders of the world famous scientific schools, worked in our university"- said the first prorector of DNU, Professor Alexander Kochubey. Over time, applied physics at the University of Dnipropetrovsk re-trained to meet the challenges of space industry and today continues to be at the forefront of its scientific development. According to the chairman of the technical program of the forum, the head of the Applied radiophysics and computers of DNU, Professor Oleg Drobahin, Department of Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems of DNU current research focuses on information and telecommunication systems. "We are actively exploring a wireless transmission systems, also have high achievements in establishing radar systems and non-destructive testing in quantum-sized electronics" - said Oleg Drobahin.

With the aim of promoting professional young physicists the forum additionally included 14 workshops - inspiring stories of famous Ukrainians who have achieved success in science, technology, in the areas of career building and self-development.

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