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Charity Event in Support of the Disabled of ATO

The exhibition «From Vocation to Profession» of DNU students’ and teachers’ creative works was opened in Museum of Ukrainian Painting. All received money from painting sell will be aimed in support of the disabled soldiers, injured during ATO.

The exhibition is devoted to the future anniversary of university, which has been training professional staff for various fields for almost 100 years. Students’ paintings of Fine Art and Design Department of DNU are exhibited on the third floor in museum in a small gallery-hall.

There were also university teachers’ paintings – experienced artists, designers, members of National Union of Artists and members of Ukrainian Union of Designers.

For instance, the author of painting «Summer», «Rainbow», «Embankment» is Vasyl Teviashov, senior lecture of Fine Arts and Design Department, the curator of exhibition.

It’s notable it is the second exhibition in support of ATO soldiers. Vasyl Teviashov stressed first and foremost we have to help people, who defend us. Last time exhibition participants got moral satisfaction, all money at the rate of nearly 12 thousand hryvnas spent to charity.

The paintings «Morning», «Evening», «Meeting» of the author Victor Korsunskiy (who is the chairman of Fine Arts and Design Department of DNU, the candidate of pedagogical studies), are exhibited in a small hall.

One of the participants of exhibition, Taisiya Sushko, third year student demonstrated her work «Summer Theatre» and shared its creation history: «The students of our group got the task to paint conventionalized city landscape. I chose summer Theatre of Globe Park. It’s decorative work, where all the shapes and lines are lead to simple geometrical figures. The landscape is also reductive». Taisiya’s work was estimated in 400 hryvnas.

Інформаційно-аналітичне агентство
Дніпровського національного університету

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