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Embodiment of the most ambitious scientific dreams with government educational training

Embodiment of the most ambitious scientific dreams with government educational training Modern leadership of the countries is closely linked with the development of scientific thought in each state. The acceleration of technological progress through the development of promising directions in mechanical engineering, chemical, electrical, medical and pharmaceutical industries is vital to improve people's lives. In 2011 Ukraine launched the government's program in the field of educational training for Ukrainian students and young scientists at leading universities abroad, with financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. During the whole period of independent Ukraine it is the first program that opened the door wide for active talented young people in the modern scientific world. The best students and young scientists og Dnepropetrovsk National University took the opportunity to actively internship at leading universities in the world. Only at the chemistry faculty there were seven graduate students to have practice in different countries, as well as researchers and teaching staff, namely Jackson University (USA), University of Vienna (Austria), Oxford University (UK), University Lund (Sweden), University of Technology - Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany).
Master of Chemical Faculty Julia Velichenko notes that even in her most optimistic dreams she could not imagine that she could study in one of the most famous universities in the world - Oxford University. "I had the unique opportunity to take advantage of the experimental work with the latest equipment of nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectroscopy, X-ray, electron spin resonance, surface analysis - says Julia. - Thanks to government program, I've significantly expanded the horizons of research and found new ideas for research. Acquired skills and knowledge undoubtedly contribute to the successful continuation of work conducted at the Faculty of Chemistry of Dnepropetrovsk National University. Application of modern methods of analysis and synthesis of biologically active compounds, study of the scientific literature and usage of new equipment allows our scientists to move into the forefront of cutting-edge research."
According to the words of Vitaly Palchykov, the life at Oxford is also interesting, it's a place where there are more than hundred societies established, there is Oxford University Ukrainian Society as well, founded in 2004. The Society holds regular events for young scientists, meeting with prominent national politicians, public figures, journalists, helps with language adaptation.

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Дніпровського національного університету

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