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The University Attracts Stakeholders to the Study Process

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University and Assosiation IT-Dnipro Community signed the agreement on cooperation and organization of interrelations. According to the new Law of Ukraine “About the high education” our Uuniversity is building relationship with longtime partners: employers as stakeholders are attracted to the development of standards and content of high education, organization of study practice, implementation of diplomas, aimed at solution of urgent needs of the field.

Mykola Polyakov, rector of the University, the correspondent member of National Academy Science of Ukraine (NASU) stressed: “The agreement, that is signed today, lays the law foundation for organization of different forms of interaction with the establishments that are interested in specialists training. The University has rich traditions of cooperation with leading enterprises of the region. The faculties always strived to focus on employer’s needs. Nowadays the training of competitive young specialists is collective challenge of the University, employers and the government”.

Public organization IT-Dnipro Community unites 18 the most well-known companies of the region, among them there are: Archer, DataArt, Luxoft, SiteCore, SoftServe, ISD, 111 minutes, AMC Bridge, Dinarys, Exigen Services, Mobindustry, Yalantis. The graduates of our University head the majority of these companies, so they engaged to the cooperation willingly.

Yevhen Hostischev, the executive director of IT-Dnipro Community noted: “IT sphere is developing rapidly, and the specialties of this profession are very popular among young people. However for successful career young specialist need basic knowledge. So we are interested in cooperation with the University. The purposes of our association are creation an attractive investment climate in the region, consolidation of the representatives of the IT industry, improving of the specialized education quality”.

Dmytro Pysmenny, ??? of the company Exigen Services, noted: “Nowadays Ukrainian programmers are quite competitive on the world market. Experience of his company indicates this fact: “Ukrainian programmer can become a new world brand, so we need to work at the state level”. Irina Shumik, the deputy of director of Education and Science Department of the Regional State Administration supported the idea that the developing IT industry could become a breakthrough for the economy not only of Dnipro region, but also for Ukraine as a whole.

Olena Kiselyova, the dean of Applied Mathematics Faculty, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine underlines: “During a decade the Faculty of Applied Mathematics had fruitful cooperation with IT companies. ISD Company under the direction of Varleriya Sharova, graduate of DNU, became the first of them. Under separate agreements our students had an opportunity to pass industrial and pre-diploma practice. ISD staff read thematic lectures on specific issues of software development, assisted with the implementation of training projects based on the company within the educational practices”.

In general, under the cooperation agreement stipulates partnership between the DNU and the employers' association in the following areas:

- participation of IT specialists in the development of new curricula, work on the formation of a strategy for professionally directed educational programs;

- participation of IT specialists in the educational process: lectures on separate problems of software development, tasks development for laboratory and practical classes, aimed at the modern market needs;

- organization and conducting of educational, production and pre-diploma practices for students;

- organization of trainings on the basis of companies, participation in which will allow students to gain experience of independent work, apply the knowledge gained at the university and skills in the real workplace, learn to perform specific production tasks;

- an organization of short-term study programs for the teaching staff of the university to improve owning quality of modern information technologies;

- participation of companies in scientific conferences, student competitions, career days, open door days.

Інформаційно-аналітичне агентство
Дніпровського національного університету

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