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International Interest to Scientific Researches of DNU Historians

Victor Klets, Associated Professor of World History Department, became the participant of International scientific conference «Mennonites and the Holocaust». The staff of Bethel College Faculty of History and Conflicts Study held the conference (Nothern Newton City, Kansas, the USA). It is one of educational and research centers of history of Mennonites in the USA, where international forums with the participation of prominent researches of the topic became traditional ones.

Mennonites are ethno-confessional community, which became the component of formation of Ukrainian poly-ethnic space from the end of 18th century, when colonization process of the South of the Russian Empire by foreign settlers began, directly in our region.

For over 20 years the Mennonites have been the subject of research of the Center of Ukrainian-German Studies at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. From the beginning the Center was headed by professor Svetlana Bobyleva. However nowadays Professor Natalia Wenger leads it, who was also a member of the conference at Bethel College at the time.

After the selection, our colleague became the only representative not only of Ukraine but also of the neighboring countries of Eastern Europe. In general, the participants of scientific meeting were such well-known experts as Doris Bergen and talented youth – Ben Gusen, Eileen Frizen and others.

Viktor Klets's report "Mennonites’s search of their place in the struggle between Germany and the USSR" was a source of great interest and got encouraging feedback. The presentation of original sources from domestic archives, the professionalism of their analysis and interpretation, in general, the profound knowledge of the material particularly impressed.

Viktor Klets also participated in the reports discussion of other participants of the conference, demonstrated development level of research on the history of Mennonites at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University to colleagues and established contacts with representatives of educational and scientific institutions of Canada, Germany, the USA: Bethel College (the USA), University of Toronto (Canada), the University of Conrad Humber College (Toronto, Canada), the Nord-Ost Institute (Lüneburg, Germany), the Institute of History of Baden-Württemberg (Germany).

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Дніпровського національного університету

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