DNU Foreign Students Got Acquainted with Oles Honchar Works
Literary meetings for foreign students "My acquaintance with Oles Honchar" were hold in the academic library of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. The meetings dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the outstanding Ukrainian writer, graduate of DNU.

Organizers of the event are the staff of the scientific library and the Department of Ukrainian Literature. They created perception for foreign students about the name of their university. So, foreign students found out that Oles Honchar was born in the suburbs of Dnipro, studied at the same university, was a front man, head of the Union of Writers of Ukraine, a deputy, he was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine

Organizers emphasized that the writer deeply comprehended the reality; he was a wise thinker, could see beautiful things in life and in people, had a fine artistic taste and rare artistic talent. Scholarships, streets in different cities in Ukraine, including in the Dnipro River have his name. Oles Honchar is among 15 outstanding Ukrainians of "Unbreakable" project initiated by Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance.

The students of philology and foreign students read Oles Honchar’s front-line poetry. Also novice poets Maxim Churkov, Karina Kodenchuk, Taisiya Bereza presented their own poems devoted to the writer.

The library staff arranged an excursion for the participants of the literary meetings and told in detail about the book exposition "Oles Honchar: My Truth". This book is dedicated to the writer's anniversary.
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Дніпровського національного університету
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