In DNU Successful Testing of the First Student Rocket in Ukraine Have Been Carried Out
On the 16th of April, test launches of student rocket were carried out at the Pavlograd Mechanical Plant. Student rocket is being developed to the 100th anniversary of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University in cooperation with the Public Organization “Noosphere Association”.

For the first time in Ukraine students of Noosphere Engineering School on the base of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University have designed a rocket. It meets the requirements of the world class according to technical demands. As a result of test launches, the rocket took off to the height of about 3 km. As a pay load it picked up a test satellite prototype CanSat weighed 330 g. Students also, in real time, controlled, received and processed information from rocket board systems.
For five months 14 students of DNU Faculty of Physics and Technology under the guidance of experienced mentors have designed a suborbital launch vehicle of light class, capable of climbing up to 4 km. Mykola Dron, Professor of DNU, and Vadim Solntsev, a member of Engineering School, managed the team of launch vehicle design. The second team of 8 students engaged in the design of a pay load. It consisted of students of faculties: Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems, Physical and Technical and Applied Mathematics. Mykhailo Fesenko and Igor Gomilko, the Associate Professor of DNU, led the group.
Mykola Polyakov as the rector of DNU also was with the working teams at the testing ground. He noted that these tests have given a start to countdown until the rocketl aunch for the 100th anniversary of DNU.
Mykola Polyakov emphasized: “Nowadays launches vehicles of international classification CanSat are in several countries: Japan, America, the European Space Agency. If the launches of our student rockets are successful, DNU will be able to become the basis for organizing of international prestigious science – intensive competitions, which nowadays support the leading aerospace organizations of the world, NASA, Boeing, European Space Agency".
Alexey Kulik, one of the consultants of student teams, head of Makarov National Center of Aerospace Education of Youth, noted: "Under the project “Student Rocket” three experimental rockets were designed and manufactured. The first rockets, have launched today, is a test project and contains a constructive solution, engine and electronics decisions. If they prove their efficiency, this rocket project will be the basis of full-time variant of launch vehicle with payload standard CanSat. The second rocket is planned to launch a carrier rocket, which will carry a payload developed by students. And the third rocket is an experimental carrier with more power. In my opinion this is a very good practical form of study for future rocketeers and other specialists for this industry".
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