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Appeal of the staff of Dnipropetrovsk National University to the Eurasian Association of Universities and Association of institutions of higher education partners of the Russian Federation and Ukraine

Dear Colleagues,  Dear friends!
Until now, none of us even in the worst nightmare could imagine in our minds that we, Ukraine and Russia, historically close cultures, languages, Slavic mentality, Orthodoxy can end up being on the brink of war. With one and only reason: someone at the highest political and public Olympus of the neighboring country seemed to say that as a result of acute civil strife in recent months Ukraine has now "wrong" authorities, "wrong" values ​​and ideals are introduced in society, the rights of ethnic Russians in Crimea and in the South-East are supposedly violated... That's how they see it. But, perhaps, the most severe accusation is that the country showed visible outlines of "fascist danger". And this mythology, in other words "fake truth" is strongly fueled by the Russian media, shaping public opinion with obviously distorted views about our reality.

Is it their policy of brotherhood, does that correspond to the laws of friendly neighboring countries?

True, now Ukraine is experiencing perhaps the most difficult period in its recent history, accompanied, unfortunately, with very difficult painful processes up to bloodshed in the center of Kiev, when dozens of people gave up their lives for freedom and justice, for the deliverance of the country from the devastating consequences of lawlessness and criminal regime of Yanukovych.

We are convinced that we independently, without external intrusion, can solve our internal problems, ensure peace, tranquility and mutual understanding among our fellow citizens no matter where they live - in the West or East, North or South, what languages ​​are spoken, what religion is practiced. Take our words seriously! We have enough intellect, mental strength, and power of will, as well as people's desire to keep our country intact and united. For we have great freedom-loving nation, consisting of Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Moldovans, Jews, Poles, Hungarians, Crimean Tatars and hundreds of other nationalities.

Unfortunately, today with growing concern we see the attempts of some foreign leaders to "pour the oil" into our internal conflicts in order to escalate them. They simply want to scare us, to turn us into the pawns in some stranger geopolitical evil game, not thinking about the lives of millions of Ukrainians, life of our Motherland and the future of our bilateral relations and humanitarian contacts.

It's a double shame that such an attempt is undertaken by top leaders of the Russian Federation, which is systematically provoking armed conflict in Crimea - an integral part of Ukraine, trampling basic principles of international law, our bilateral agreements with centuries-old traditions of friendship, mutual understanding and fraternal solidarity of the Ukrainian and Russian people. This aggressive action caused a strong and widespread condemnation both of the international community and our citizens. Many of them, especially young people, are ready to defend in arms their Homeland and not give an inch of their Mother Country.

On behalf of the multi-thousand community of Dnipropetrovsk National University, we address our appeal to you - the community of universities in the former Soviet Union, because in the walls of your schools is focused intellectual and spiritual potential from the recent past, which was common for all of us. The University has never been simply an institution where the knowledge is acquired. The University always used to be and still remains the Temple of human thought in all its majesty and diversity, therefore the in has high reputation and moral authority not only for the university students, but also for all fellow citizens of the country.

That's why we ask you to use all your influence and authority in order to avoid a fratricidal bloodshed in the early twenty-first century, to preserve humanistic foundations of the Ukrainian-Russian strategic partnership of cooperation. We have always believed that just destined to be together, haven't we?

A time to cast away stones for our country is over and when we found ourselves at a dangerous line, we should be concerned with gathering them together. Come and join us, so that we don't have any provocative "stone" from the outside. Your help and support is important for us today as never before.

A friend in need, as you know, is a friend indeed. We hope to see it with our eyes!

Sincerely and with deep respect,
  on behalf and according to the request
of the community of Dnipropetrovsk National University,
Rector, Professor M.V. Polyakov

Інформаційно-аналітичне агентство
Дніпровського національного університету

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