Student of DNU Has Won 3 Gold Mare Nostrum Medals
Andriy Govorov, the Master of the first year of study at the Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University became the absolute champion of the legendary series of Mare Nostrum swimming competitions.

DNU student processed a golden hat-trick, having defeated at his favorite distance, 50 meters of a butterfly, at all three stages of the international tournament that recently took place in France, Spain and Monaco. On the last performance in Monte Carlo, Dnipro Swimmer set a new record: 50 meters of a butterfly, he swam in 22.53 seconds. By the way, the previous record of 22.69 seconds also belonged to Andriy Govorov.
In general, at the first stage of Mare Nostrum series in France, Andriy Govorov swam 50 meters of a butterfly in 23.04 seconds, and then in Spain he showed time of 23.22 seconds.
Mare Nostrum is a commercial swimming series that is conducted in June annually. It is opened in France, then it is continued in Spain and the finish is in Monaco. Both men and women compete for victory. Money reward is a bonus for winning Mare Nostrum swimming competitions.
Інформаційно-аналітичне агентство
Дніпровського національного університету
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