DNU Student Is Silver Winner of Europe Championship in Rogaine
Anna Gudelajtis, student of Biology and Ecology Faculty, became silver winner of Europe in a mixed category among youth teams. Andriy Ryabov, a student of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics also showed a good result, having taken the sixth place among experienced and titled athletes.

Championship from Europe in rogaine was hold in the end of the summer in Chernivetska region near Beregomet city. It gathered more than 300 participants from 14 European countries.

Rogaine is one of the types of sports orienteering. The main task is overcoming the distance by choice within 24 hours. This year representatives of our university (Anna Gudelajtis, a student of Biology and Ecology Faculty, Master of Sports; Andriy Ryabov, a freshman of Faculty of Applied Mathematics) join membership of national team of Ukraine.

Valery Zaierko, a trainer and a teacher of DNU Department of Physical Education and Sports noted: “Students of our university participate traditionally well in international competitions in orienteering, so Tetiana Tkachuk and Mylhailo Bychenkov became the winners of European championships, they were participants of world championships. Anna Gudelajtis supported relay race, having become silver winner of Europe in mixed category among youth teams. Andriy Ryabov also showed good result, having taken the 6th place among experienced and titled athletes, and for him it was only the first international start”.
Інформаційно-аналітичне агентство
Дніпровського національного університету
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