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Winners of the International Competition of Student Research Papers

Students of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University were awarded among the winners of the second round of the International competition of student research papers in specialties 051 "Economics" and 076 "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange", which took place at Kremenchug National University named after Mykhailo Ostrogradsky.

In scientific cooperation of the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations, and the Department of Training for Foreign Countries and Academic Exchanges, May 28, 2021 first-year student of the second master's level of education, educational program "Economics of Enterprise", Dmitry Moroka and first-year student of the second master's level of education, Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations, specialty "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies" Kilagui Perez Roher David, took part in the second round of the International competition of student research papers in specialty 051 "Economics".

According to the results of reviewing and defending student research work on the topic: "Management of Enterprise Competitiveness in Modern Changing Economic Conditions" (supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor Tetyana Oliynyk), our students were awarded among the winners with a 3rd degree diploma.

June 3, 2021 third-year student of the first bachelor's degree (in the educational program "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange") Julia Komissarova and first-year student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty "Applied Mathematics" Emran Basher, took part in the second round of the International competition of student research papers in the specialty 076 "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange".

According to the results of reviewing and defending their student research on the topic: "Labor Potential of the Business Entity: Formation and Effective Use" (supervisor is Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Tetyana Grinko), they were awarded in composition of the winners with a 2nd degree diploma.

Congratulations to our winners of the international competition of student research papers with the victory; we wish success in further research!

Faculty of Economics

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