New Launches of Ultralight Missiles under the Project "Student Rocket"
The team of students of DNU Rocketry Agency conducted a successful test program for launches of three types of ultralight missiles. For the first time in Ukraine, a successful launch of an ultralight missile at an altitude of 6,500 m was made and an attempt was made to launch an ultralight suborbital missile at an altitude of 40,000 m.

Flight tests took place at the specialized test site of the Pavlograd Mechanical Plant of the State Enterprise "Production Association" Southern Machine-Building Plant". O.M. Makarova (SE "PA Yuzhmash").

All types of ultralight missiles – reusable K80 CanSat mod2 missile with a lifting height of up to 2 km, research rocket K80 Meteo 7000 mod2 with a lifting height of up to 7 km and research suborbital missile K110 Meteo 40000 mod1 with a lifting height of up to 40 km – designed and manufactured by Rocket Space Labs Noosphere Engineering School. The Rocketry Agency team is based on students of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. The team also includes students of the Faculty of Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems and the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of DNU, graduate students and lecturers of the University and students of the Professional College of Rocket and Space Engineering at DNU.

The design, manufacture and launch of ultralight missiles is a colossal work of all participants in the research and educational project "Student Rocket". Launched in 2018, it is implemented with the full support of the NGO "Noosphere Association" on the basis of scientific and technical laboratories of Noosphere Engineering School at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. The objectives of the project are: practical training of highly qualified specialists for the rocket and space industry of Ukraine on the basis of dual training at DNU and Noosphere Space Engineering School (laboratory Noosphere Engineering School of Space); development of a "family" of ultralight suborbital missile systems for various purposes with lifting heights of up to 100 km by students participating in the engineering school; creation of an ecosystem conducive to the development of rocket and space startups, including engineering, as a basis for the emergence of new companies in the direction of "New Space".

Інформаційно-аналітичне агентство
Дніпровського національного університету
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