Scientific Conference "Actual Problems of Philological Science and Pedagogical Practice"
On November 24-25, 2022, at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University on the basis of the Department of English Philology (the head of the Department is Associate Professor A.I. Anisimova) and the Laboratory of Modern Technologies for Teaching Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Art Studies, the IX All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Philological Science and Pedagogical Practice" was organized online.

Despite the almost complete blackout in Ukraine, the educators of our university and other universities of the country and the world did the impossible to take part in the discussion of the topics announced at the conference: problems of multilingual education, translation studies, linguistic and stylistic features of literary texts, teaching foreign languages in modern society. The Department of English Philology staff made every effort to organize and hold a conference with the participation of foreign guests who joined the discussions, despite the difference in time zones, to express their respect and incredible support for Ukraine. During the conference sessions, the guests and speakers of the conference of the world's leading universities (New York, Bordeaux) held workshops and gave speeches.

Among the crucial issues discussed at the conference in the context of learning and teaching foreign languages are the functioning of the language in a particular cultural environment, intercultural communication and the artistic approach to language teaching, multilingualism and multilingual education, the development of the natural ability to translate in conditions of bilingualism, the peculiarities of the translation, the passing of international exams of various levels by the student audience for language improvement.

The organizing committee of the conference received 58 reports and 78 articles from participants representing higher education institutions and colleges in Bordeaux, New York, Tbilisi, Kyiv, Chernivtsi, Kryvyi Rih, Kharkiv, Dnipro, in which scientists and practitioners agreed to share their research, experience and scientific achievements. The research results are published in the conference proceedings.
Associate Pprofessor of the Department of English Philology
Maryna Volkova
- Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Study of Arts
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