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Certificates for training practice in Italy

On November 17, there was a solemn presentation of certificates for students at the Dnipro National University, that took part in the training practice in Italy, in different institutions of the U.C.M. Italy Association – enterprises of the Italian tourism industry.

The well-deserved certificates were personally presented to 14 representatives of the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Chemistry by the President of the U.C.M. – Italy Association, Paolo Brescia.

During 2022, students of the Department of Food Technology, the Department of Tourism Business and Hospitality, the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management, and the Department of Marketing and International Management completed training in Italy. They are: Anastasiia Kulish, Yuliia Reshetnyak, Sofiia Tyutyunnyk, Marina Nagnybida, Veronika Sinelnyk, Kateryna Duhovych, Oleksii Kostyria, Hleb Sheptii, Margaryta Pletneva, Olena Plehunova, Yelyzaveta Staroselska, Mariana Kaliberda, Yelyzaveta Horpinyak and Kateryna Zdorovenko. All of them have received appropriate certificates based on three levels of achievement.

Students at Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar have demonstrated the best results of all Ukrainian higher education institutions participating in our program. One student, Elizaveta Horpyniak, was even awarded a certificate of the highest level (III) for her special achievement. It gives her the right to move to a professional level and be a curator for her colleagues, conducting professional master classes for DNU students. We very much hope for continued cooperation on a joint project. Maybe next time professors of your university will visit Italy together with the students. After all, this will provide them with new opportunities for development.

They will be able to establish direct professional contacts and exchange experience with their Italian colleagues, which will help to more effectively transform the tourism industry of Ukraine into a powerful industry”, Paolo Brescia emphasized at the ceremony.

Acting First Vice-Rector of DNU Valentyna Silich-Balgabaeva, Dean of the Faculty of Economics Tetyana Grynko and Head of the Department of Food Technology Nataliya Kondratyuk also came to congratulate the students of the university and summarize the first results of the international practical training program at the ceremony.

Valentina Silich-Balgabaeva thanked the guest for the special support of Italy:

This year, due to the war in Ukraine, the educational practice turned out to be unusual. But we are grateful that the Italians were with us. You wholeheartedly accepted our students (some even with their parents), provided housing for their parents and helped them throughout the period. Thanks to this support, our students were able to improve their competencies. They acquired new useful skills for further study and work in Ukraine. We are sure that the students of DNU will be grateful to Italy for the experience they received at the beginning of their professional career”.

The future economist Yelyzaveta Staroselska shared her impressions of her educational practice in the institutions of the tourism industry in Italy:

During April-September, I did an internship in the seaside town of Peschici, where there were usually many tourists. And although at that time my knowledge of Italian did not allow me to communicate freely with the locals, I am very grateful to my team for their support. The Italians were interested in Ukraine, were attentive to me, open and sincerely helped”, Yelyzaveta recalls.

According to Paolo Brescia, the success of Ukrainian students during practice largely depended on the level of Italian language proficiency:

Knowing the language means a lot. Language is important because it opens up more opportunities for employment in the hotel and restaurant business. After all, those students who demonstrate a good command of Italian and undergo initial internships usually go on to practice in the HR and management structures of our partners. That is why, from February 2023, we will start online Italian language master classes for students of the Dnipro National University. Both a general introductory course and a professional Italian course will be offered, where students will learn specialized vocabulary”, Mr. Brescia noted.

The educational practice of Dnipro students at the bases of Italian tourism industry enterprises is organized in accordance with the cooperation and partnership agreement concluded between DNU and the UCM-Italy Association in October 2021. The bilateral agreement provides for the practical training of specialists for the tourism industry of Ukraine. To participate in the program are invited students of DNU who are studying in the specialties 073 Management, 075 Marketing, 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activities, 181 Food technologies, 241 Hotel and restaurant business and 242 Tourism. Travel, accommodation and three meals a day for our students are provided by the Italian side free of charge.

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