The Decent Assessment of the Graduates of the Department of Theoretical and Computer Mechanics of the MMF from the University of New Hampshire
Recently, Oleksandr Knysh, another graduate of the Department of Theoretical and Computer Mechanics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of DNU, has defended his PhD thesis at the University of New Hampshire, USA.

For many years, the department has been cooperating with the University of New Hampshire under an agreement, according to which one or two graduates of the educational programs “Applied Computer and Mathematical Modeling” of specialty 113 “Applied Mathematics" and "Computer Technologies of Strength Engineering” of specialty 131 “Applied Mechanics” can enter the graduate school of the University of New Hampshire.
During their studies, they are provided with a $1500 scholarship and proper living and working conditions: laboratories, libraries, dormitories, etc.
Five graduates of the department have already taken advantage of this opportunity. Pavlo Knysh and Kostantyn Vasylevskyi have already defended their dissertations and are working in prestigious positions in the United States, while Kateryna Wells (Miroshnichenko) and Oleksandr Buklovskyi are still pursuing their postgraduate studies. By the way, the scholarship named after M. Shvayko was established by Professor I. Tsukrovyi of the University of Hampshire, who is also a graduate of the same department of DNU.
So, we congratulate a new PhD - a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of DNU on his successful defense and wish him further success!
In the group of the department, Oleksandr Knysh shared his impressions of studying in the United States and at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics in DNU.
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