Вісник Дніпровського університету
Journal of Rocket-Space Technology
Scientific journal
ISSN 2409-4056
Focus and Scope: The scientific journal that is a periodical and focuses on rocket and space technology professionals, academics, university professors, graduate students, and senior students.
The purpose of the edition is to develop the national scientific potential in the field of rocket and space technology through the creation of space for the effective public communication of scientists, in particular the qualitative communication of the results of their activity to the national and world scientific communities.
The Bulletin contains review articles with materials of scientific researches, topics and main focus of which address issues of actual problems of rocket and space technology: design and production of structures, engine building, structural materials, flight dynamics, control systems, mathematical modeling of processes and systems.
The scientific journal is included in the "List of professional editions of Ukraine in which the main scientific results of the dissertation works for obtaining the scientific degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences (technical sciences) can be published", order of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine from 24.05.20182018, №527, from 16.07.2018, №775; certificate of state registration KV №23265-13105PR from 22.03.2018.
Publisher: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. Published since 1993.
Frequency: once a year.
Languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian.
Indexing: Index Copernicus, CrossRef, Ulrichsweb (Ulrich's Periodicals Directory), WorldCat, ResearchBible.
Electronic version of Journal of Rocket-Space Technology is placed on the platform "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" at the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine www.nbuv.gov.ua and in the National Repository of Academic Texts.
Editorial office address: Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Gagarin ave., 72, Dnipro, 49010, Ukraine; tel. +38 (050) 480-63-83
Journal of Rocket-Space Technology. 2013. Issue 16
Journal of Rocket-Space Technology. 2014. Issue 17
Journal of Rocket-Space Technology. 2015. Issue 18
Journal of Rocket-Space Technology. 2016. Issue 19
Journal of Rocket-Space Technology. 2017. Issue 20
Journal of Rocket-Space Technology. 2018. Issue 21
Journal of Rocket-Space Technology. 2019. Issue 22