Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
18, Kazakova str., University facility №14Dean's office phone: +38 (056) 766-49-01
E-mail: dec_mmf@dnu.dp.ua
Web: http://mmf.dnu.dp.ua

Faculty Background
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics is the oldest one in the university, it dates back to physics and mathematics faculty, which was founded in 1918. Great scientists worked here: H.M.Savin, M.Ya.Leonov, V.I.Mossakovskyy, S.M.Nikolskyy, M.P.Korniychuk, O.M.Dynnyk, V.M.Kovtunenko.
There are about 300 students that attend the Faculty. Educational courses are provided by 63 teachers, including 18 doctors, professors, 44 candidates of sciences, associate professors. Among them there are 3 members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 4 laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine, 6 Honoured Scientists of Ukraine, 2 academicians of the Academy of Higher School of Ukraine, 5 members of the National Committee of Ukraine on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2 members of New York Academy of Sciences.
There are about 300 students that attend the Faculty. Educational courses are provided by 63 teachers, including 18 doctors, professors, 44 candidates of sciences, associate professors. Among them there are 3 members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 4 laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine, 6 Honoured Scientists of Ukraine, 2 academicians of the Academy of Higher School of Ukraine, 5 members of the National Committee of Ukraine on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2 members of New York Academy of Sciences.
Management of the Faculty
Dean of the Faculty – Haminich Oleksander Vasilyovych, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor of education of Ukraine.
Dean of Academic Affairs – Gubin Olexandr Ihorovych, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.
Deputy Dean for Research – Syasev Andriy Valeryovych, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor.
Dean of Educational Work – Gorbonos Svitlana Oleksiivna, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor.
Dean of Academic Affairs – Gubin Olexandr Ihorovych, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.
Deputy Dean for Research – Syasev Andriy Valeryovych, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor.
Dean of Educational Work – Gorbonos Svitlana Oleksiivna, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor.
Subdivisions of the Faculty
- Department of Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions
- Department of Geometry and Algebra
- Department of Differential Equations
- Department of Statistics and Probability Theory
- Department of AeroHydro Mechanics and Energy and Mass Transfer
- Department of Theoretical and Computer Mechanics
Educational Activities
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics provides training in specialties:
- 14.04 Secondary education (mathematics)
- 111 Mathematics
- "Mathematics"
- "Mathematics of Forecasting and Decision Making"
- "Mathematics of Intelligent Systems"
- 112 Statistics
- 113 Applied Mathematics: educational program "Applied computer and mathematical modeling"
- 154 Thermal power generation
Levels of High Education
The first (bachelor) level – 4 study years
The second (masters degree) level – 1,5 study years
The third educational and scientific level – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – 4 study years
Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities
Main directions of faculty scientific research:
- methods creation of calculation of aircraft aerodynamic characteristics and industrial aerodynamics. Nowadays new directions were added, such as, aerodynamics of wind turbines, ecology and atmosphere and water environment pollution monitoring of big cities, technology improvement of mineral resources enrichment etc;
- theory of body elasticity with special points, destruction mechanics; mathematical models development of plasticity theory, creep theory and destruction in complex process of load; solving methods of boundary tasks and challenges of elements resistance of construction in load complex process; boundary and contact tasks of elasticity theory, elasticity for heterogeneous and scrapy-homogeneous environments;
- processes in rocket fuel tanks, thermodynamics of irreversible processes, numerical methods of heat-mass-exchange, numerical methods of hydro and gas dynamics, applied challenges of thermal conductivity and heat-mass-exchange theories, ecology, hydro dynamics and heat-mass-exchange in microgravity conditions, slow processes of heat-mass-exchange, including slow phase transitions, mathematical modeling of heat-mass-exchange processes in biological structures.
Scientific schools are created in such branches:
- methods application of finite elements and boundary elements in continuum mechanics;
- models and methods of optimization of shell massive load-bearing construction elements in extreme parameters of external load;
- extreme tasks of analysis and functional methods of series and integrals summation, convex and harmonious analysis and its application. Approximation theory and theory if optimal algorithms, computational geometry;
- approximation of functions with limits and Gauss quadrature formulas;
- theory of groups, theory of modules, theory of rings. There are main topics of this branch: study of groups with limits for systems of their subgroups and factor-group, study of noetherian and artin modules, study of group rings with finiteness conditions;
- reliability and durability of complex technical systems; parametric reliability patterns of technical systems; statistically-probabilistic modeling of complex biological objects; Markov processes and their application in mass service and reliability theory; probabilistic models in nature studies and technics;
- qualitative theory of differential equations, asymptotic methods in theory of differential equations, mathematical modeling of dynamic systems, variational methods of mathematical physics, mathematical basics of boundary integral equations, methods of solving incorrect tasks, mathematical models in economy, methods of solving of non-linear boundary tasks, averaging theory of differential operators;
- aero and hydro mechanics and heat-mass-exchange.
Training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff members on Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty (MMF) is took place in Graduate school and Doctoral studies of Oles Honchar DNU. Postgraduate training on MMF is being given on further specialties: Mathematics Analysis, Geometry and Algebra, Mechanics of deformable solid body, Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma, Mathematics modeling and calculating methods, Engineering mechanics.

International Contacts
The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics maintains cooperation with many foreign scientific establishments is being continued.
Staff of Department of differential equations signed a treaty about cooperation between Oles Honchar DNU and Lodz Technical University.
Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics has an agreement on annual postgraduate scholarship (necessarily on two scholarships) with Hampshire University (the USA), as well as close educational and scientific contacts with French Institute of Contemporary Mechanics (Clermont-Ferrand) and Karlsrueh University (Germany).
Staff members of Department of Mathematics Analysis support scientific relations with Sam Houston State University (the USA), Georgia Institute of Technology (the USA) etc.
Department of Geometry and Algebra has scientific relations with Spain scientists, particularly with employees of Zaragoza University (Spain).
Theoretical Mechanics department is working under the agreement concerning students exchange with University of Detroit city (the USA). Nowadays active work on conclusion of an agreement concerning common magistery program and students exchange with French university of Le-Mans city (France).
Staff members of the faculty take part in numerous international scientific conferences, for instance, International mathematical congress in Madrid (Spain).
Staff of Department of differential equations signed a treaty about cooperation between Oles Honchar DNU and Lodz Technical University.
Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics has an agreement on annual postgraduate scholarship (necessarily on two scholarships) with Hampshire University (the USA), as well as close educational and scientific contacts with French Institute of Contemporary Mechanics (Clermont-Ferrand) and Karlsrueh University (Germany).
Staff members of Department of Mathematics Analysis support scientific relations with Sam Houston State University (the USA), Georgia Institute of Technology (the USA) etc.
Department of Geometry and Algebra has scientific relations with Spain scientists, particularly with employees of Zaragoza University (Spain).
Theoretical Mechanics department is working under the agreement concerning students exchange with University of Detroit city (the USA). Nowadays active work on conclusion of an agreement concerning common magistery program and students exchange with French university of Le-Mans city (France).
Staff members of the faculty take part in numerous international scientific conferences, for instance, International mathematical congress in Madrid (Spain).
Student Life
Student life at the Faculty is determined by diversity of directions, which we can divide into:
1. Healthy lifestyle. Sportsmen who are members of university teams from different kinds of sport. Football and basketball mini-championships are conducted at dormitories. Our students demonstrate high results at Physical education.
2. Scientific work. Students have begun to deal with scientific work since first courses. Received results of scientific search became the material for scientific articles which are being published at DNU Herald, in Ukrainian and international scientific magazines. The youth take park in many scientific conferences, including international ones. Young scientists are involved in student life and conduct facultative class with students and talented school pupils of the region. Fruitful scientific work of these students is awarded by prizes and title "The best student of DNU", as well as scholarships of the President, Pinchuk's Fund.
3. Cultural life. In 90 years traditions of high-class cultural student life were enshrined at the faculty. Mathematical raising gives an opportunity to get success in organization of many cultural events, such as, Freshmen Day, Day of Mechanics and Mathematics, Brain-ring with lectures and teachers, solemn meetings on anniversaries of departments, honoring war veterans.
4. Student self-government. Members of Student Council of the faculty take active part in student life. Every year they select the head, renew composition by freshmen. Members of MMF Student Council gather information, help the faculty to be aware of all university events and plans, actively manage student public life, and help students to get work. They pay considerable attention to development of creative talents, sport.