Faculty of International Economics
Address: Naukova Str, 13, 9 building of DNU, room 421
Phone of dean’s office: +38 (056) 374-97-13
Phone of dean’s office: +38 (056) 374-97-13

Historic Reference
Faculty of International Economics, the youngest faculty of the university, started working in October, 1997. For the period of existence the faculty carried out training of more than 3000 highly qualified international specialists, specialists in personnel management and economics of labor, specialists in international economical relations, specialists in management of foreign economic activity, and, beginning from 2011, carries out training of specialists in travel business. The education process at the faculty is provided by 44 lecturers: 7 doctors of science, 21 candidates of science, 16 lecturers and assistants.
Managerial Personnel of the Faculty
Dean of the faculty – Stukalo Nataliia Vadymivna, Doctor of Economics, professor.
Vice Dean for academic work – Steblyanko Iryna Olegivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent.
Vice Dean for research – Lytvyn Maryna Valentynivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent.
Vice Dean for international cooperation – Krasnikova Nataliia Oleksandrivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent.
Vice Dean for organizational and educational work – Kobchenko Andriy Andriyovych.
Vice Dean for work with foreign students – Gaponenko Svitlana Oleksandrivna.
Vice Dean for academic work – Steblyanko Iryna Olegivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent.
Vice Dean for research – Lytvyn Maryna Valentynivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent.
Vice Dean for international cooperation – Krasnikova Nataliia Oleksandrivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent.
Vice Dean for organizational and educational work – Kobchenko Andriy Andriyovych.
Vice Dean for work with foreign students – Gaponenko Svitlana Oleksandrivna.
Employees of dean’s office:
Secretary – Fedosova Olena Igorivna.
Dispatcher – Kirichenko Oksana Oleksandrivna.
Laboratory assistant – Ryabko Viktoriia Oleksandrivna.
Engineer of the first category – Vakulova Olena Mykolayivna.
Structural Subdivisions of the Faculty
- Department of International Economics and World Finances
- Department of Economics and Management of National Economy
- Department of Management and Travel Business
Training of scientific and educational research personnel through postgraduate course and doctoral training is carried out at the faculty of international economics under the speciality 08.00.02 “World economy and international relations” and 08.00.03 “Economics and management of national economy”. Specialized academic council on defence of dissertation for obtainment of degree of candidate and doctor of economics.
Bulletin of Dnipro National University is issued at the faculty. Series: World economy and international economic relations, included to the list of professional editions in accordance with the Resolution of Presidium of Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine of 06.10.2010 № 3-05/6.
For publication of the main results of scientific research of the leading specialists, scientist, acquirers of degrees and knowledge for issues of modern development and formation of theoretical and methodological provisions of management of innovations the new series in the magazine “Bulletin of Dnipro University” - “Innovative management” was established in 2012.
In 2015 the Department of International Economics and World Finances, the Department of Management and Touristic Business and the Department of Economics and Management of National Economy of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University in cooperation with Ukrainian Association of International Economists conducted the І International Academic and Research Conference “Strategies of economic development of the countries under conditions of globalization” (according to the Plan of Conferences of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 2015).
Average rating of the faculty of international economics – 153 (the 1st place among faculties of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University).
In addition, 30 methodical and scientific textbooks, over 210 scientific articles in professional editions, over 340 materials of conferences and theses of reports were published.
Bulletin of Dnipro National University is issued at the faculty. Series: World economy and international economic relations, included to the list of professional editions in accordance with the Resolution of Presidium of Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine of 06.10.2010 № 3-05/6.
For publication of the main results of scientific research of the leading specialists, scientist, acquirers of degrees and knowledge for issues of modern development and formation of theoretical and methodological provisions of management of innovations the new series in the magazine “Bulletin of Dnipro University” - “Innovative management” was established in 2012.
In 2015 the Department of International Economics and World Finances, the Department of Management and Touristic Business and the Department of Economics and Management of National Economy of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University in cooperation with Ukrainian Association of International Economists conducted the І International Academic and Research Conference “Strategies of economic development of the countries under conditions of globalization” (according to the Plan of Conferences of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 2015).
Average rating of the faculty of international economics – 153 (the 1st place among faculties of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University).
In addition, 30 methodical and scientific textbooks, over 210 scientific articles in professional editions, over 340 materials of conferences and theses of reports were published.
Students of the faculty actively participate in scientific activities
During 2007–2014: 357 research papers and 940 theses of reports were published independently and in co-authorship with lecturers.
One of the main priorities of the faculty is the establishment of business contacts with higher educational institutions of the other countries. Due to this contact a lot of lecturers of the Department completed the training at the universities of countries of Western Europe and the USA.
Students of the Faculty of International Economics constantly participate in the meetings with ambassadors and representatives of embassies of the countries of Europe and the USA in Ukraine.
Within cooperation of the Faculty of International Economics of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University and University of Applied Sciences Mittweida (Germany) the program of double degree of bachelor of speciality “International economics”, “Management” and under speciality “Planning engineer” is effective since 2007. Within the program the students of the Faculty of International Economics have the opportunity to study at the German university for two semesters on a competitive basis (tuition is carried out in German) and prepare graduation paper under the guidance of German specialists, that subject to successful fulfilment of curriculum of Dnipro National University gives an opportunity for a student to obtain two degrees at the same time: degree of bachelor of the relevant speciality of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University and degree of University of Applied Sciences Mittweida. Over 107 students of the Faculty of International Economics of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University have already participated or participate in this program.
Students of the Faculty of International Economics constantly participate in the meetings with ambassadors and representatives of embassies of the countries of Europe and the USA in Ukraine.
Within cooperation of the Faculty of International Economics of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University and University of Applied Sciences Mittweida (Germany) the program of double degree of bachelor of speciality “International economics”, “Management” and under speciality “Planning engineer” is effective since 2007. Within the program the students of the Faculty of International Economics have the opportunity to study at the German university for two semesters on a competitive basis (tuition is carried out in German) and prepare graduation paper under the guidance of German specialists, that subject to successful fulfilment of curriculum of Dnipro National University gives an opportunity for a student to obtain two degrees at the same time: degree of bachelor of the relevant speciality of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University and degree of University of Applied Sciences Mittweida. Over 107 students of the Faculty of International Economics of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University have already participated or participate in this program.
The Faculty of International Economics is actively working with respect to development of relations with University of Maine in Le Mans (France) (faculty of law, economics and management). In autumn of 2008 the agreement for provision of opportunity for students of speciality “International economics” and “Management” of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University to obtain double degree of master at the University of Maine was signed. During studying at the University of Maine the tuition is carried out in French. 19 students of the Faculty of International Economics of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University completed the training course at the University of Maine.
Students and postgraduates of the faculty actively participate in Erasmus Mundus international exchange program that gives an opportunity to study at European universities within academic mobility during one-two semesters on a competitive basis. Over 10 students and postgraduates of the Faculty of International Economics of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University were selected and took advantage of the opportunity to study at foreign higher educational institutions (tuition is carried out mainly in English).
In addition, the students actively participate in individual programs of training and education in the other countries (Spain, the Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Hungary, Austria, Poland and others).
Students and postgraduates of the faculty actively participate in Erasmus Mundus international exchange program that gives an opportunity to study at European universities within academic mobility during one-two semesters on a competitive basis. Over 10 students and postgraduates of the Faculty of International Economics of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University were selected and took advantage of the opportunity to study at foreign higher educational institutions (tuition is carried out mainly in English).
In addition, the students actively participate in individual programs of training and education in the other countries (Spain, the Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Hungary, Austria, Poland and others).
Activity of the Young Scientists
The council of young scientists, including 14 young scientists, among which there is 1 Doctor of Economics and 8 Candidates of Economic Sciences, has been functioning at the Faculty of International Economics since 2008.
The young scientists of the Faculty of International Economics actively participate in scientific activities of the faculty of university and successfully participate in the yearly competitions: regional competition “The best young scientist of Dnipro region”, regional competition of the projects “Young scientists for Dnipro region” and city competition of the projects “Youth of Dnipro for native city”.
The young scientists of the Faculty of International Economics actively participate in scientific activities of the faculty of university and successfully participate in the yearly competitions: regional competition “The best young scientist of Dnipro region”, regional competition of the projects “Young scientists for Dnipro region” and city competition of the projects “Youth of Dnipro for native city”.
Student’s Life
The Head of Student Council of the Faculty of International Economics – Svyshch Rodion Oleksandrovych.
Phone number: +38 097 28 160 94
E-mail: radik_dnu@meta.ua
The task of Student Council is to make the life of students of the university better but provided that the students promote implementation of their aspirations. To date the principal directions of activity of Student Council are:
1. Organization of students’ leisure: Student Day, Freshman Day, Faculty Day, Valentine’s Day and other holidays, holding of concerts, parties. The entertaining activities such as “Miss University”, “Super student”, “Dance Show”, “Brain ring”, Festival of Club of the Funny and Inventive, “Univer-Voice” are carried out yearly;
Valeria Berezniak (the Faculty of International Economics), Miss DNU 2014
2. Solution of the problems of the students residing in hostels;
3. Assistance in performance of the rights and obligations of students;
4. Assistance in academic, scientific and creative activity of students;
5. Social work: visiting of children's homes, social activities;
6. Participation in distribution of scholarship fund;
7. Protection of the rights and support of student initiatives.
3. Assistance in performance of the rights and obligations of students;
4. Assistance in academic, scientific and creative activity of students;
5. Social work: visiting of children's homes, social activities;
6. Participation in distribution of scholarship fund;
7. Protection of the rights and support of student initiatives.